OpenSC/PKCS#11 driver development
Dear Crypto Stick Friend, we need your support!
PKCS#11 is a popular interface to connect smart cards (also Crypto Stick) with various software applications such as Firefox, TrueCrypt, Mozilla Thunderbird, PuTTY and many more. The current driver for the Crypto Stick works well but it is not open source and hence not well integrated to Linux systems and also lacks full write support. The OpenSC framework is the dominating open source PKCS#11 library but it can't be used with the Crypto Stick yet. We want to achieve full read and write support of the Crypto Stick in OpenSC and the driver will be released as open source and can be used by all Crypto Stick users. Because our time and resources are dedicated to the development of Crypto Stick 2 we need Euro 900 to delegate this task to an external developer. We already collected Euro 500 (thanks to Kicktipp) and need another Euro 400 to have sufficient funding. Please support this effort with a donation.
Because we are a non-profit organization, if we receive your donation before New Year's Eve, we are glad to provide you a donation receipt of 2011. (Of course, otherwise you will get a donation receipt of 2012.)
PayPal: Send your donation to [email protected] and state "Crypto Stick" as purpose.
Wire transfer:
- Recipient: German Privacy Foundation e.V.
- Account number: 329 31 80
- BLZ: 100 700 24
- Institute: Deutschen Bank
- IBAN: DE13100700240329318000
- Purpose: Crypto Stick
We wish you a Happy New Year!
Crypto Stick Team
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