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Nitrokey 3 Status Update

We have received the first Nitrokey 3C NFC from the current production batch. We will start the delivery tomorrow. Production capacity is ramping up slower than expected, so it will probably take until the end of February to ship all pre-orders. After that, the Nitrokey 3C NFC will be available to order directly from our online store without waiting.



Will there be a way to update our nitrokey 3 using the future graphical nitrokey app ? pipx seem so complicated despite the instructions...
We are already working on a nitrokey-app2, which supports the Nitrokey 3 and updates of the latter.
Will I be informed by email when my order is sent out to me?
Yes, you will receive an e-mail one your Nitrokey 3 will be sent out.
Top! Hab heute meinen Nitrokey 3 erhalten. Fühlt sich sehr hochwertig an. Vielen Dank! :)
Hast du Lust einen Erfahrungsbericht zu schreiben? ;-)
Hi, for the Nitrokey 3 series, the comparison table mentions that both RSA and ECC keypair numbers are TBD. Any chance we can get 3*3 pairs (or more)? I'd be nice to manage the keys for different personas in a single device.
Generally yes and there should be enough non-volatile memory to do so, but for now we target a main persona first. So this will be the initial approach for the stable firmware, once this is in place and working as expected we'll be looking into additional features to implement.
How functional is right now? What is still now working?
The stable firmware does currently do FIDO2. On top, the alpha firmware has previews for OpenPGPCard and OTP. We expect another alpha firmware with the OTP feature being stable, means if no other issues arise it will soon afterwards move into the stable firmware. The same approach will then be taken for the OpenPGPCard feature.
Is there a schedule about when the planed features are expected to be available (e.g. smime)? Can I update already purchased sticks?
S/MIME will be part of the OpenPGPCard support. We are currently talking about low-digit month ballpark, please understand that I cannot promise more precise ETAs during this maturity phase. Of course, you update already purchased Nitrokey 3s with the then latest firmware, we are also working on a NitrokeyApp2 to make updates more accessible and improve the user experience overall for the Nitrokey 3.
Can I safely use the nitrokey 3 at the moment? Or will the next firmware erase all keys?
You can safely use it, just the very first update from firmware version 1.0 did lead to data-loss on the device. Since this update no other updates have led to user-data-loss. Anyways, always have at least one additional way prepared to login to your service, never rely on just one device!
Hallo, Besitzer eines NK3AM hier. Gibt es schon einen groben Zeitplan wann es ein neues Release gibt? Insbesondere über das Anfang Dezember gelöste Issue 94 würde ich mich freuen um meine PCs mit den NK zu entsperren :-)
Hey Max, wir arbeiten ganz aktuell konkret am nächsten Release, ich gehe mal davon aus, dass es bis ende nächste Woche released sein sollte.
What is the status of the deliveries? How are you progressing? Any deviations to the plan?
Progress is good, all pre-orders should be delivered within the next weeks.
Unless I'm misunderstanding here, that means further delays, doesn't it. This post mentions needing until the end of February to ship all pre-orders. Since we are already in the final week of Februari "in the next weeks" means we're going until March. To me, that qualifies as a "deviation from the schedule".
Yes, correct the pre-orders will still be shipped in March.
Hab mir erlaubt mal die Erfahrungen mit der neuen Alpha-Firmware und GPG niederzuschreiben, und wie man den Nitrokey - meiner Erfahrung nach - dazu bewegt, das zu tun, was man möchte. :) Aberleider darf ich hier keine Links posten.
Oha, das klingt interessant, ja gerne hier einen obfuscated link posten, dann mache ich das "klickbar".
Hallo Nitrokey, seit meiner Bestellung (Bestellnummer: SOxxxxxxx) im Oktober habe ich leider nichts mehr von euch gehört. Ist meine Bestellung untergegangen? Wäre schön von euch zu hören :) LG Jörg
Hey Jörg, ich habe mal deine Bestellnummer unkenntlich gemacht. Bitte schreib für Bestellstatus-anfragen an shop (at) nitrokey (dot) com, dann kriegst du detaillierte Informationen, grundsätzlich vermeiden wir es aus Sicherheitsgründen derartige Informationen öffentlich zu machen.
Ok, danke!
Hallo, ich wollte mal nachfragen ob Silikonhüllen o.ä. als Schutz geplant sind für die Nitrokeys. Ich würde diese gern am Schlüsselbund tragen aber ohne ist es mir zu unsicher wenn dieser mal herunterfällt.. VG
Hey Micha, nein aktuell haben wir derartiges leider nicht im Plan. Ich nehme das aber mal als Anregung mit, danke...

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