Hi there, I got my 3C recently and I'm really enjoying it so far! Just got a couple questions regarding the "For now your keys will be stored encrypted in flash and not in the secure element yet" statement.
  • Once the SE implementation is in place, will the users need to do anything to move them or will that all be taken care of via the update and...
  • Will the users be better off factory resetting the keys and letting the NK regenerate them, or is will the automated process (if it will exist) be sufficient enough.
  • What the security implications of the keys residing in flash and/or what security measures have been taken to ensure the security of the keys for now.
Mainly asking to figure out how much trust can be put into the NK3 with the firmware in its current state. I'm assuming that with the keys being stored in the flash, the key isn't as resistant to physical tampering. Thank you, and all the best
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