You could give us more precision in your updates, as you just did. The update mentions delivery of "the PCBs", which sounds like the entirety, not "some PCBs" from a process that is ramping up. We can't know if you receive your orders in large batches or if the components and PCBs arrive in a steady flow from a process that will continue to pick up speed, so we can't understand the meaning of your update, unless you give us that info. Furthermore, context with the first item in the update (3C NFC casings) might indicate you are only talking about 3C NFC PCBs - but there is no way for us to tell. So what about "Planned delivery date for the first [large|small] batch of PCBs for model[s] xxx [and yyy] is week 40. The subsequent assembly of that batch is planned within a few days. The production process will continue to ramp up in the following [weeks|months] and preorders will be filled in the order in which they were received. Production of model [yyy and] zzz will start [real soon™|later|subsequently|...]. If you ordered both a model xxx and zzz we [will perform partial shipments of items as they become available|wait for all items in your order to be available before shipping]."
Fill in the blank.