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Nitrokey Storage ist verfügbar

Wir freuen uns die Verfügbarkeit des lang erwarteten Nitrokey Storage bekanntzugeben. Ab sofort kann der neue Nitrokey Storage in unserem Online-Shop bestellt werden.

Der Nitrokey Storage ist unser neues Vorzeige-Gerät mit spannenden neuen Funktionen:

  • Bis zu 64 GB Hardware-verschlüsselter Speicher um Ihre Dateien sicher zu transportieren
  • Die erste Hardware weltweit mit versteckten Volumen ermöglicht Benutzern glaubhaft die Existenz zusätzlicher verschlüsselter Daten abzustreiten (z.B. bei Grenzkontrollen)
  • Einmalpasswörter zum sicheren Login im Web
  • Sicherer Schlüsselspeicher zur Verschlüsselung von Emails, Festplatten und Dateien
  • 100% Open Source und Open Hardware. Keine Hintertüren für Geheimdienste.
  • Sichere Firmware-Updates ermöglichen zukünftige Verbesserungen.

Sichern Sie Ihr digitales Leben und bestellen Sie jetzt den Nitrokey Storage.



Hello, this looks impressive. Is there comparison table of this new storage keys vs old Pro stick?

Yes, there is a comparison table! Please open our frontpage and scroll down.

Why you didn't include U2F support on such a Masterpiece?

Because of technical constrains. We will add U2F to future revisions of Nitrokey Pro and Storage.

Do you have a release date or some estimate when it's going to be available?

For U2F support, not yet.

Do you at least have an idea of the timescale? Will it take some months or several years? In the first case, I'd be willing to wait...

We aim for 2017.

Is the key physically labeled "Nitrokey Storage"? If yes, then the "hidden encrypted storage" is not that much hidden.

The point is, a hidden volume doesn't exist by default and it's technically impossible to tell if a hidden volume has been setup or not (without knowing the dedicated password).

Is the encrypted flash storage chip tamper-resistant too or is it simply placed on-board together with the tamper-resistant smart card chip?

The chip performing the AES operations is not particularly tamper resistant. But the AES keys are always stored in the tamper-resistant smart card. See the manual.

Will there be USB3 or higher support in 2017?


Planned at least? Or directly USB3.1?

Our next hardware release may be 5 times faster but USB 2 is still sufficient for this. Therefore we don't plan for USB 3.

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