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Nitrokey 3 - Test Firmware Release

Die ehemals als Alpha bezeichneten Firmware Releases werden ab jetzt Test Releases genannt um den Charakter der Releases zutreffender zu beschreiben. Es handelt sich hier um eine Firmware die noch nicht ganz ausgereifte Funktionen enthält. Im aktuellen Release 1.3.1-test.20230417 handelt es sich hierbei um die OpenPGP Card Funktionalität sowie eine noch sehr experimentelle PIV Karten Implementierung. 

Zur Vollständigkeit hier alle Funktionen, die mit der Test Firmware zur Verfügung stehen: ​

Aufgrund der Natur dieser Test Releases raten wir explizit davon ab diese in produktiven Umgebungen zu benutzen. Bitte habt stets Backups für alle wichtigen Daten bereit. 

Man benötigt zwingend pynitrokey in einer Version >= 0.4.35, welches jetzt auch als Windows-Installer und als einzelne ausführbare Datei verfügbar ist. Letztere könnte je nach System zu einer Virus-Warnung führen, welche natürlich ein Fehlalarm ist. Darüber hinaus gibt es auch eine einzelne ausführbare Datei für Linux.

Um auf das aktuelle Test Release zu aktualisieren ist es nicht mehr nötig die Dateien selbst herunterladen. Stattdessen kann man einfach pynitrokey wie folgt benutzen:

$ nitropy nk3 update --version v1.3.1-test.20230417

Zurück zur stabilen Firmware kann man dann einfach wieder so wechseln:

$ nitropy nk3 update


What is the current status regarding the use of the secure element for the OpenPGP feature. It was mentioned before that all secret keys and related PINs are still stored insecrurely without using the actual secure enclave storage. HAs that changed yet? And related to that, how is the Fido2 Pin on the Nitrokey 3 stored? Is it handled differently from the OpenPGP implementation? Or can the Fido2 PIN also be extracted from insecure memory at the moment due to this still under development?
OpenPGP data is currently stored on the external flash and encrypted with a key bound to the MCU. Using the secure element for this is an option, which will be available in the coming releases. FIDO2 data is stored inside the internal flash (on the MCU) thus also not extractable - this is important to allow FIDO2 to work over NFC (there is not enough energy available through NFC to allow powering up the secure element). In the future there might also be the option to move FIDO2 into the secure element (with the drawback that FIDO2 will not be available through NFC).
Thank you for the reply. Is the Fido2 secret and PIN protected from software extraction only or is is also impossible to extract it using physical access to the circuitry?
As the data is inside the main MCU package, even with physical access to the MCU you cannot extract its contents. Various security mechanisms ensure this behavior (mainly sealing).
Sealing sounds like the threat model for the nk3 is rather a moderate adversary that would have trouble gaining physical access to the chip without destroying it. The question is if there are measures that also protect against adversaries with significant resources. Or to ask differently: Would you be confident that all secrets (Fido2 key, Pin, gpg and ssh key) would stay confidential, even if your nitrokey 3 was confiscated by authorities e.g. US border control, NSA, FSB ... Would you recommend the NK3 to be used by activists in Iran who would not survive if any secrets can be extracted (assuming there are no unknown vulnerabilities present)
Generally I cannot give blanket guarantees that actors with enough resources can break given security mechanisms or not. I would be confident that a confiscation through some authorities would give me enough time to revoke the secrets on the key. Overall the token should in your described threat scenarios be mainly used as a 2nd factor so that the 1st is still valid even if you "lose" your token. E.g. U2F secrets are derived, so even if you have the key physically in your hand and full access you cannot tell which service it's registered for.
The relevant (and final) question is if any practical physical attack on the stored secrets is part of the threat model. When the Titan Fido key from google was found to allow physical key extraction via a side channel attack on the NXP chip, it was treated as a vulnerability because their threat model was supposed to prevent any extraction, independent of the required efforts. Would the same be true for Nitrokeys? This is especially relevant for the secrets used for encryption like PGP keys or the Fido2 HMAC-secret extension that can be used for disk encryption (see systemd-cryptsetup). Would Nitrokeys provide the same protection as e.g. OpenPGP cards? And is the Fido key material (e.g. hmac-secret) equally protected from extraction then the PGP/SSH data? (once the firmware is out of beta)
There has not been a thorough analysis yet by some external security researcher, but generally we consider the secrets safe also for physical theft. Although the absolute level of security is not the same as it is for a (OpenPGP) smartcard, as they have proven physical tamper resistance counter measures. Still once the SE050 is being used to save credentials/secrets inside it, the secure element (security) level should be comparable (as the SE050 also gives FIPS-based certification for tamper resistance). We plan to let the user decide, which protection level to choose - e.g. for FIDO2 credentials there likely will be the option to also save them to the secure element at some point, which if chosen will allow only USB usage of the FIDO2 features only (as during NFC operation there is not enough power to start the SE050).

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